Jedburgh Golf Club
As approved at a special meeting of members, 10th March 1973
Amended 13th December 1995
Amended 15th December 2004
Amended 8th December 2020
Amended 11th November 2024
1a – NAME – The Club shall be called “The Jedburgh Golf Club”
1b – OBJECT – The object of the Club shall be the promotion and development of the game of golf played in accordance with the rules fixed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St Andrews
- Office Bearers
The office bearers shall consist of a Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary and Treasurer, Green Manager, Match Secretary, Bar Convenor and Junior Organiser elected for one year by the Members at the Annual General Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election.
- Management
The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of the Office Bearers, Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice Captain, past Club Captain and a committee of four ordinary members of the club elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. This Committee shall be known as the Committee of Management and shall meet once per month. Two members of said Committee shall retire annually by rotation and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year. The Captain shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Committee of Management, and in his absence his place shall be filled by the vice-Captain. There shall be no voting by proxy at any Meetings of the Club or Committee of Management. The Chairman shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote at all Meetings of the Club or Committee of Management.
Committee of Management
- The committee shall be entrusted with the general business and management of the Club and shall have the power to fill any vacancy in the committee or create any sub-committee as they see fit. The whole of the fixed and moveable property of the Club shall be in the keeping of said committee and under their control. The Committee of Management – five to form a quorum – shall have the following powers:-
- The management of the general affairs and control of questions involving the normal expenditure for the running and up-keep of the course and Clubhouse along with, if necessary, power to overdraw the account kept with the Bank for that purpose.
- To fill up, if they think fit, any vacancy.
- To make such Special Local Rules and Bye-laws, relating to the course, as they may think proper.
- To deal with complaints etc. (vide Rule 17).
- To expel members. (vide Rule 18).
- To appoint a handicap committee. (vide Rule 21).
- To call special meetings (vide Rule 23).
- To set fees for visitors and Members guests
- To maintain the Junior Charter. (vide Rule 12)
(b) Meetings of Committee shall be held at approximately monthly intervals or upon a written request signed by three members of Committee.
(c) Five Members of Committee shall form a quorum.
(d) If the committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Club, it shall convene a Special General Meeting giving at least 14 days notice and stating the terms of the proposed resolution. If the proposal to dissolve the Club is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, these members shall have the power to dispose of any assets as follows. Upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to the Jedburgh Common Good.
The Committee of Management shall have power to frame Byelaws for the efficient working of the Club and conduct of Members, to which when posted up, Members shall be bound to conform.
- Secretary and Treasurer
The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.
The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Club at their Meetings, and shall call all such meetings. He shall take charge of all papers, books and records belonging to the Club and perform such other duties as the Committee may direct.
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies due to the Club and shall keep correct Accounts and Books showing the financial affairs and intromissions of the Club. Cheques, covenants and all financial transactions to be signed by any two of the following Office Bearers: Captain, Secretary, Treasurer.
- Match Secretary
The Match Secretary shall keep a record of all Competitions and Matches and supervise the same. He shall also arrange annual fixtures for the approval of the Committee.
- Auditor
An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting each year.
- Annual Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held between the months of October and December – seven to form a quorum – when the Office Bearers and the Committee of Management for the ensuing year shall be elected.
The Annual report by the Secretary, and the duly audited Statements of Accounts by the Treasurer, shall be submitted and any other business transacted. Honorary and Associate members may attend and take part in general discussion without vote.
- Election of Members
Candidates for admission into the Club must be proposed and seconded by two Members of the Club in writing. The election shall be in the hands of the Committee of Management, and the admission or non-admission shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Members present.
On the admission of the new Members, the Secretary shall notify the same to him, furnishing him with a copy of the Rules of the Club, and requesting him to pay the Entrance Fee, if any, and Subscription for the year then current.
- Entrance Fee and Subscription
The Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription to the Club shall be that fixed from time to time by the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable in advance by 31st March each year. Any change to the Full member’s Fee will be applied pro-rata to all other Membership Fees with figures rounded to the nearest £5.
The fee paid is to cover the 12 month calendar year from 1st January to 31st December
The Committee of Management may offer introductory membership packages from time to time subject to endorsement at an Annual General Meeting.
The Committee of Management may offer reduced membership fees to new members who join very late in the current year.
Payments towards membership fees can be either Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfers and must be paid in full or part by 31st of March in order to take part in club competitions. Payments made by Standing Order must finish the final amount by end of September. Members who use the course from 1st Jan to 31st March but then decide not to rejoin for the year will be charged at visitor rates for usage over that period
The current rate of Entrance Fees and Subscriptions will be available on the Club website and in the Clubhouse.
In addition to the above, Members who have lockers in the Club House shall pay an annual rental fixed by the Annual General Meeting.
Irrespective of what payment option is used, a late payment charge will be levied, at the discretion of the Committee of management, for all Fees outstanding as of 30th September.
- Ladies
The interests of the Lady Members of the Club will be in the hands of a Committee of Ladies consisting of a Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and four Members, with power to co-opt additional Members if necessary, who will be elected at the Ladies Annual General Meeting. Two of the four Members will retire annually in rotation but will be eligible for re-election.
- Juniors , Youths and Young Adults
Junior members under the age of 16 years and below
Youth members aged 17 to 18 years
Young Adult Members aged 19 to 24 years
For all age categories above the members will be required to pay an Annual Subscription fixed from time to time by the Annual General Meeting. Ages will be determined on 1st January of the membership year.
The rules of the club in relation to Junior and Youth members are contained in the ‘Junior Charter’. The Junior Charter will be maintained and amended by the Committee of management.
Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, political or other opinion.
Membership categories shall be fixed from time to time by the Annual General Meeting.
The Club operates an Equal Opportunities Policy where no one is denied the right to equal access on the grounds of age, race, creed, colour, gender, disability, occupation, religion, sexual orientation or political persuasion or marital status or having or not having dependants. There is equality of opportunity in terms of the playing rights and rights of members to attend general meetings vote and hold office.
Child Protection
The Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in its care. It recognises the responsibility to promote safe practices and protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Staff and volunteers will work together to embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of children and young people.
The class of membership which may include ladies and gentlemen consist of ordinary members, honorary members and associate members: –
Ordinary Members
Ordinary members are members of the Club and are entitled to vote at Annual, General and Extra-ordinary General meeting of the Club. Within this classification of membership there may also be Young Adult ordinary members and Senior ordinary members who may be entitled to a discount in their annual subscription. Young Adults are those members aged from 19 to 25 years inclusive and Senior members are aged 65 70 years or more on 1st January.
Honorary Members
The Committee of Management may recommend candidates, gentlemen and/or ladies for election as honorary members in recognition of services rendered to the Club or of services as a golfer or to the game of golf. Honorary members are not required to pay any entrance fee or subscription during their honorary membership, but they do not have a voice in the management of the Club and may not vote at Annual or Extra-ordinary General meetings of the Club.
Associate Members
Associate members are not members of the Club, but for the purposes of the Club’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, they have no voice in the management of the Club and have no vote at Annual or Extra-ordinary General meetings of the Club. Associate members are however members of the Club for the purposes of entitling them to use the golf course and club house and to participate in games and competitions, the categories of associate members are as follows: –
(a) Country members
(b) Junior members
(c) Youth members
(d) Five-day members
(e) Social members
(f) 2nd Club Members
(a) Country Members
Member’s resident out with a radius of 20 road miles from the Club for at least 9 months in any subscription year may be admitted by the Committee of Management as country members. Country members can play in all club competitions except for the club championship but otherwise they have full access to the course and club house.
(b) Junior Members
Boys and girls who have not reached the age of 16 years as at 1st January may be admitted by the Committee of Management as junior members.
(c) Youth Members
Members who have attained the age of 17 years as at 1st January but have not reached the age of 19 years as at 1st January may on written application to the Committee of Management may be admitted as ordinary or youth members by the Committee of Management.
(d) Five-day Members
Ordinary members on application may transfer to five-day membership. Five-day members may use the club-house at all times and have access on the course on Mondays-Fridays inclusive. Five-day members may also play in such weekend competitions as may be designated by the Committee of Management from time to time but may not otherwise play on the course at weekends.
(e) Social Members
Social members may use the club-house at all times and may introduce guests into the club house. They may play one round of golf as part of their membership but shall not be entitled to play on the course or take part in competitions.
(f) 2nd Club Members
2nd Club members can play in all club competitions except for the club championship
Membership Alteration
Any member whose circumstances are such that he or she no longer meets the criteria pertinent to his or her category of membership, either because of age or geographic location or any member who wishes to amend his or her membership category for whatever reason must make a written application to the Committee of Management to amend his or her membership category and must meet the conditions applicable to the new category of membership.
- Members Guests
The charge for Members Guests when accompanied by a Member will be determined by the Committee of Management.
- Visitors
Visitors will not be permitted to play the Course on Competition days during times set aside by the Committee of Management.
Visitors’ fees as fixed from time to time by the Committee of Management
- Members Withdrawing
Any Member wishing to withdraw from the Club must so intimate to the Treasurer, in writing, not later than 1st April.
- Complaints
Any complaint or suggestion must be made in writing to the Secretary in order that they may be submitted to the Committee of Management.
- Expulsion
If the conduct of any member, either in the Club-House or on the Course, is such as appears to the Committee of Management to endanger the character, interest or good order of the Club, it shall be in the power of the said Committee, on a majority of two-thirds present, to strike his name of the Roll of Members, and he shall thereafter cease to be a member of the Club. The voting in such cases to be by Ballot.
- Club-House
Any member damaging or destroying any part of the Club-House, or injuring the stock, fences etc. shall be personally responsible for the damage.
1.The Committee of Management will have the power to provide a service room within the Club premises for the sale of excisable liquors. This room shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing (Scotland) Act for the time being in force and, in particular, with regard to the terms and conditions of the current license and any regular extensions and special permissions for extensions thereof.
2.The Purveying within the Club shall be under the control of the Bar Convenor, who shall be elected annually and shall be responsible to the Committee of Management.
3.The Steward on duty shall be responsible for all drawings taken and his books and cash box shall be open at all times for the inspection by Officials nominated by the Committee of Management.
4.No member of the Committee or governing body and no manager or servant employed in the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sale.
5.Temporary Honorary Membership shall be conferred on guest players, officials and players of Clubs playing at the Jedburgh Golf Club for the duration of their visit only and subject to their being over 18 years of age.
6.The Committee or Club Steward will have the right at all times to refuse admission to the Club.
7.No alteration shall be made to these rules except at a Committee of Management Meeting specially called. Seven days notice of any proposed alteration to be given.
20 Dogs
No person shall be allowed to bring dogs, with the exception of guide dogs, into the Club-House . Dogs will be allowed on the Course but must be held on a lead and carefully controlled at all times. Any dog fouling must be removed from the course by the dog’s controller.
21 Handicaps
The Handicap Competitions of the Club shall be adjusted by a Committee appointed by the Committee of Management, and they shall conform to the bye-laws regulating Handicapping adopted by “The Borders Golfers Association”.
22 Rules of Golf
The Rules of Golf, as they may from time to time be fixed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St. Andrews, shall with such local Rules as may be made by the Committee of Management, be the Rules for this Club.
23 Special Meeting
The Committee of Management shall call Special Meetings of the Club – seven to form a quorum – on receiving a requisition signed by at least fifteen Members of the Club, stating precisely the terms of the proposed resolution. Said Meetings to be held within one month of the receipt by the Secretary of the requisition.
- Finance and Borrowing
The Committee shall not have power to borrow money for any capital outlay without authority from the Club, granted at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting. Any bonds or bills, leases or other obligations granted in terms of authority from an Annual General or Special Meeting of the Club shall bind all the Members of the Club, present or future, as effectually as if they had individually subscribed such bonds or bills.
- Alteration of Rules
No alteration shall be made on the foregoing Rules, except at the Annual Meeting of the Club, or at a Special Meeting. The notice stating precisely the terms of the proposed alteration must be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the Meeting at which it is to be discussed, and such alteration shall be adopted only by the vote of three quarters of the Members present at such Meeting.